Freon Documentation (version 0.5.0)


An object that implements PiScoper is able to return the named elements that are visible for a certain AST node. This node can be a ‘normal’ model element, or it can be a namespace. If the node is a ‘normal’ element, the names visbible in its (lexical) surrounding namespace are returned.

If you want to write your own scoper you will need to implement this interface.

/* File: core/src/scoper/PiScoper.ts */

export interface PiScoper {

	 * Returns the element to which the 'pathname' refers. If the elment cannot be found, or if the element is
	 * not visible (private) from the location of 'modelelement', then null is returned.
	 * If present, then the search is limited to elements which type is 'metatype'.
	 * @param modelelement: the containing element, where 'pathname' should be visible
	 * @param doNotSearch: the role or property name of the element that we are searching for
	 * @param pathname: the name or series of names of the element that we are searching for
	 * @param metatype: the metatype of the element that we are searching for
	resolvePathName(modelelement: PiElement, doNotSearch: string, pathname: string[], metatype?: string): PiNamedElement;

	 *   Returns true if 'name' is known in the namespace containing 'modelelement' or one
	 *   of its surrounding namespaces.
	 *   When parameter 'metatype' is present, it returns true if the element named 'name'
	 *   is an instance of 'metatype'. There is no default setting for this parameter.
	 *   When parameter 'excludeSurrounding' is present, it returns true if the element named 'name'
	 *   is known in the namespace containing 'modelelement', without looking in surrounding namespaces.
	 * @param modelElement
	 * @param name
	 * @param metatype
	 * @param excludeSurrounding
	isInScope(modelElement: PiElement, name: string, metatype?: string, excludeSurrounding?: boolean): boolean;

	 *   Returns all elements that are visible in the namespace containing 'modelelement' or one
	 *   of its surrounding namespaces.
	 *   When parameter 'metatype' is present, it returns all elements that are an instance of 'metatype'.
	 *   There is no default setting for this parameter.
	 *   When parameter 'excludeSurrounding' is present, it returns all elements that are visible in
	 *   the namespace containing 'modelelement', without looking in surrounding namespaces. Elements in
	 *   surrounding namespaces are normally shadowed by elements with the same name in an inner namespace.
	 * @param modelelement
	 * @param metatype
	 * @param excludeSurrounding
	getVisibleElements(modelelement: PiElement, metatype?: string, excludeSurrounding?: boolean): PiNamedElement[];

	 *   Returns the element named 'name' which is visible in the namespace containing 'modelelement' or one
	 *   of its surrounding namespaces.
	 *   When parameter 'metatype' is present, it returns the element that is an instance of 'metatype'.
	 *   There is no default setting for this parameter.
	 *   When parameter 'excludeSurrounding' is present, it returns the element that is visible in
	 *   the namespace containing 'modelelement', without looking in surrounding namespaces. Elements in
	 *   surrounding namespaces are normally shadowed by elements with the same name in an inner namespace.
	 * @param modelelement
	 * @param name
	 * @param metatype
	 * @param excludeSurrounding
	getFromVisibleElements(modelelement: PiElement, name: string, metatype?: string, excludeSurrounding?: boolean): PiNamedElement;

	 *   Does the same as getVisibleElements, only it does not return the elements,
	 *   but the names of the elements.
	 * @param modelelement
	 * @param metatype
	 * @param excludeSurrounding
	getVisibleNames(modelelement: PiElement, metatype?: string, excludeSurrounding?: boolean): string[];