Freon Documentation (version 0.5.0)

The Validator Definition File

The validator definition defines the constraints or rules that should be true in the models build by your users. Currently, there are four types of rules.

Valid Identifier Rules

Given a simple property of type identifier, a valid-identifier-rule can be given. The property complies with the rule if it is a valid identifier according to the TypeScript definition.

For a valid-identifier-rule the validIdentifier keyword is used followed by an optional simple property. When the property is present, this property is checked. When the property is not present, Freon assumes that the concept has a simple property named ‘name’ of type ‘identifier’, and it will check this property.

// docu-project/defs/validator-docu.valid#L27-L32

CalcFunction {
    // typecheck conformsTo (self.body, self.declaredType);
    isunique name in self.parameters;

Simple Value Rules

Given a simple property, its value can be limited to certain values.

// docu-project/defs/validator-extras.valid#L3-L6

EntityAttribute {
    self.numVal >= 12;       // in .ast file: "numVal: number;"
    self.numVal <= 30;

List Rules

Given a list property, a not-empty rule can be stated. The list complies with the rule if it is not empty.

An is-unique rule is another rule that can be stated for a list property. The list complies when the value of the property is unique within the list.

// docu-project/defs/validator-docu.valid#L3-L7

InsuranceProduct {
    isunique name in;
    isunique name in self.helpers;

Type Check Rules

Given the rules in the typer definition, rules can be stated to ensure type compliance. To indicate a type checking rule the keyword typecheck is used, followed by either equalsType or conformsTo. The first demands that the types of the two properties given are equal. The second demands that the type of the first conforms to the type of the second.

In type checking rules it is possible to use predefined instances of a limited concept.

// docu-project/defs/validator-docu.valid#L10-L12

MinusExpression  {
    typecheck equalsType( self.left, self.right );

Custom Messages

The generated error messages can be changed into custom ones. Similar to the editor definition, properties can be used in the error message using the syntax ${propName}.

// docu-project/defs/validator-docu.valid#L28-L36

CalcFunction {
    // typecheck conformsTo (self.body, self.declaredType);
    isunique name in self.parameters;
        message: "El nombre '${}' no es un identificador correcto.",
        severity: error

The Default Validation Rules

There are just a few default validation rules:

  • Non-optional properties must be set.
  • Non-optional lists must include one element.
  • Names of model units should be valid identifiers.
  • Any reference must be present.