Freon Documentation (version 0.5.0)

The Scoper Definition Files

In the scoper definition you provide the information necessary to determine which names are visible from a certain element of your user’s model.


In the scoper definition you can mark a list of concepts to be namespaces. Any namespace has its own set of visible names. Any namespace shadows the visible names from its surrounding namespace (using lexical scope). The default scoper simply regards the model of your user as the only namespace.

// docu-project/defs/scoper-docu.scope#L3-L3

isnamespace { InsuranceProduct, BaseProduct, CalcFunction, Entity }

Interfaces can be namespaces as well. Any instance of a concept that implements the namespace interface is a namespace, but only the properties of the interface will be visible.

Each model unit is a namespace.
On all Levels of Customizations model units are always considered to be namespaces.

Namespace Additions

The standard namespaces can be added to. In that case, the visible elements from the addition are included. By indicating an addition to a namespace you can, for instance, support inheritance. In the following example, baseEntity is in the language structure definition (.ast file) defined to be the super type of the Entity concept. The names visible in the baseEntity are included in the namespace by defining the namespace-addition.

// docu-project/defs/language-extras.ast#L34-L38

concept Entity {
    isCompany: boolean;
    name: identifier;
    reference baseEntity?: Entity;
// docu-project/defs/scoper-docu.scope#L13-L15

Entity {
    namespace_addition = self.baseEntity;

Alternative Scopes

You can also indicate that a different namespace altogether should be used. In the following example, the elements visible in an AttributeRef are determined based on the type of its container, i.e. the type of its parent in the AST.

// docu-project/defs/scoper-docu.scope#L9-L11

AttributeRef {
	scope = typeof( container );